Thursday, August 11, 2011


I have not posted in a while mostly because my computer had died. Fortunately, Andy was able to revive it and all is well again! I have also been super busy! The girls are in another show at The Box (Pirates of the Penzance) and have begun rehearsals five days a week. We are also registering for school and getting ready to start next week (sniff sniff). I even have to send my baby to Kindergarten this year-- talk about some serious heartache for this mama! But, along with all of that, we are remodeling our kitchen! We had a leak for a long time which we kind of overlooked. After all, let's face it--Albuquerque does not see a lot of rain anymore. When we finally addressed the issue, it was going to cost a couple thousand dollars to take down one section of cabinets, fix it, and put it back up. These are cabinets that we have always wanted to replace so it made sense to just do the whole kitchen now. I have been packing (what a job!) and trying to set up a temporary kitchen.

Here is the kitchen Tuesday night! I can't tell you how glad I will be to see the wallpaper strip at the top of the wall disappear. I made peace with it ten years ago and have lived with it, but if you know me at all, you know that I am not a pastel person. The tiles on the counter had a matching pastel strip. Our new kitchen will have dark cherry cabinets and a Corian counter top with a nice tile back splash. The things cabinets can do these days is amazing! Once I found out, there was no going back!

Here is the kitchen last night--kinda gross, huh? Good thing we are addressing that leak issue...

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