Sunday, October 23, 2011

Playwright's Playground!

Mason and Hannah performed in "Hansel and Gretel and the Kingdom-Wide Sugar Ban" the past two weekends! The play was written by a local play writer and performed at The Box! Mason was Helga, a witch with a sweet tooth and Hannah was Sundrop, one of Helga's little sweets.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

A Sad Goodbye...

We had to let this sweet pup go on Saturday after a week with him. He truly was a dream dog inside and with the kids. I doubt we'll ever find a more mellow dog to live indoors. Outside was another story. He could not be in the back yard for 3 minutes without making a break for it. He got over the fence with no difficulty and we found ourselves chasing him down repeatedly. When he saw us coming, he would either lie down and refuse to come with us or bolt in the other direction. Huskies are notorious for this... He and Boudreaux were never going to be friends, either. I think we could have handled one problem or the other but the combination was overwhelming. Fortunately, there was another lady who took him home to a house with a 6 foot wall around the yard. She said he immediately looked for an escape route there, too. Hopefully he does not find one and things work out for him. There were a lot of tears when he left. He definitely made a mark on all of our hearts...

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Field Trip to Las Golindrinas!

A Living History Museum of the Spanish Colonial Days

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Such sweet Friends!

This friendship started on the first day of first grade! Here they are, more than three years later, still going strong! How we treasure this friendship!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Balloon Fiesta!

I don't have many pictures form balloon fiesta this year! The weather cancelled some of the events but we finally made it to the last balloon glow. I did not take too many pictures--Andy had to stay home and work so I spent most of my time there trying to not lose a child! It is incredibly crowded and dark! On the last Saturday of balloon fiesta, the wind blew them over our house and one landed across the street! We also had our first snow in the mountains last weekend! It was truly a beautiful sight to see the white mountains and the colorful balloons!

Friday, October 07, 2011

Meet Oso!

When we went to the animal shelter last Saturday, I told the kids that the last thing we need is another dog. I mean, come on, most of you know Boudreaux, don't you? That is a somewhat high maintenance guy. Not only that, but I am not a small dog person. I need a dog who can keep up with me on 4 mile walks or runs every morning and who is big enough to hug around the neck. So-- I told those kids that we just couldn't bring another large dog home... The only problem is that I really am a sucker for a Husky, especially one who howls when all of the other shelter dogs are deafening me with their barks. Especially one who is the most mellow dog I have ever met, hands down. Especially one whose neck is so thick that you can't help hugging it and when you do, he just rolls over and flops onto your lap. Yep, I fell in love and today, he moved in! It really is amazing to see a dog so quiet and calm when we are used to Boudreaux. The two are learning to like each other. B is a bit over-excited and that is not easy for an older guy who just got neutered, but they are working it out.