Saturday, October 24, 2020

Hammocking with Hannah!


Birthday Dinner for Aunt Dana!

We celebrated Dana’s birthday in the back yard of Granny’s new house


Got the Job Done With Our First Time Voter!

I remember the day after the 2016 election. Donald Trump was declared the winner and in a cloud of grief, I brought Dylan to school. His teacher told him that no matter who you wanted to win the election, you now had to respect Trump because he was the president. That day opened several conversations about what respect means and that respect is earned. It is not earned by belittling, mocking, name-calling, degrading, selfish behavior, but rather through empathy, kindness, compassion, putting someone else’s needs above your own. Trump in no way earned any respect from this family. On Friday, I voted for so many ideals that are precious to me and I so hope not to be disappointed this time.