Sunday, May 30, 2021

BIo Group Dinner!

I was so excited to have the Biology group/ friends over for dinner last night after more than a year! I used to cook big dinners for these guys when they would come over to study or work on a project and then Covid hit. Now they are all college students!


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Birthday Baseball Game!

Andy arranged for us to go to a baseball game on my birthday. I had no idea where we were going and once we got there, I had no idea that the rest of the family would be meeting us there. Andy was super excited to watch Bellinger play and I caught a picture just before his bat hit the ball for a home run! In this video, Andy had told me he would be back and Dana had snuck into his seat. It took me a long time to notice the switch and to discover that the whole family was there!


Dinner on the Deck (Visit from Mike and Roxanne!)


Monday, May 03, 2021

Wedding in Rhode Island!

Andy and I went to Rhode Island for the wedding of our nephew, Scott and his bride, Brianna. I've never left the kids so it was a big step! Newport is an adorable town and the wedding was wonderful.
Andy and I on a cliff walk:

Here I am having a cocktail (I don't drink so we had to have photographic evidence) and I am pointing out the very top of Jay Leno's house behind the wedding tent. He is the bride's family's next door neighbor.

Susan and her boys

Reading vows


First Day of Real School on April 6th

I just think it’s kind of funny that this is the only picture I got! 


Some Very Late Easter Pictures

We colored eggs via Zoom with Mason and Jay.