Friday, March 02, 2012

So Very Busy!

Exhaustion doesn't even describe it. These past few weeks have been intense with tons going on during the week and full weekends as well! Sorry no blogging has happened! Here is what we have been doing (well, some of it anyway)! Last Saturday was English Expo at La Cueva High School. Mason participated and won a medal in Traditional Storytelling! Yes, this is the same shy little girl who barely said a word in Kindergarten! We were so excited when her name was posted to go to the final round and we just about fainted when she won a medal! Way to go, Mason!

Hannah has been busy as well! Both girls are rehearsing for "Alice in Wonderland" at The Box, but Hannah decided to add another play on top of that for this week. I run the Missoula Children's Theater program at North Star in the spring. A team of Actor/ directors come from Missoula and do a play with the kids in one week. It is wonderful and exhausting and a lot of hard work (I mean for the kids AND for me)! I look forward to seeing the final product tomorrow and then taking a breath after I see that everything runs smoothly! Below are pictures of Hannah at the audition for "Secret Garden"!

On top of all of this, we have the emotional trauma of trying to place our old friend, Boudreaux, in a new home. He was the best dog ever for three years but has recently shown some aggression which we can't tolerate anywhere near the kids. So-- life is busy, exhausting, wonderful and full. I promise to be a better blogger soon!

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