Saturday, May 27, 2017

Piano Recital!

He really played well.  Even his teacher told him that he went up a level with that recital, but you're going to have to take my word for it.  My video camera cut off most of his performance.  I seem to really be having camera issues these days...

5th Grade Play Day!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

5th Grade Graduation!

Dylan had his fifth grade graduation today.  It was very bitter sweet and so strange to walk out of North Star for our very last time after eleven years.  That place has been my children's (and my own) second home for over a decade.  I know that a new chapter lies ahead, but I will miss my family of North Star staff...

(On another note, both my good camera and my iphone camera are not doing their jobs lately and my pictures look awful!  I'm working on the problem!)

 Mr. McCracken was both Mason's and Dylan's fifth grade teacher and one of the best there is.  No, really, I mean it--this guy is amazing and the only teacher I ever requested while I was at North Star.


Mason visited the tile she created when North Star first opened.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

The After Graduation "Meet and Greet"!

Our dear friend Troy has been on the stage to shake Mason's hand at every one of her graduations.  It has been an honor having his family in our lives all these years!