Sunday, July 01, 2012

Indigo Nineheart!

So, before Kindergarten let out for the summer, Dylan had begun writing his own book series chronicling the life of  a skeleton named Indigo Nineheart.  He is a mostly friendly chap who has to survive great obstacles, including death, and he does so with a fantastic attitude.  Today, Dylan started writing Book 5 which prompted me to reread the previous four.  Without posting the whole books, I thought I would share my favorite two pictures.  For some reason, they crack me up.

The picture below is the first page of Book 4.  I love how Indigo has pictures on his walls and one basket of swords and one of TNT.  Just in case, I guess...

This next picture really makes me giggle.  This book is about Indigo's fire sword.  Another character steals his fire sword but he does not mind because he knows how to make another one.  While the sword is burning in the fire place, Indigo is playing a video game.  Notice that he has two skulls hanging from the back of his chair.  Dylan says that this is in case his skull falls off.  He can just grab another one.  Also notice that another skeleton hand is reaching for the TNT basket.  On the next page, Indigo noticed "tine peses of TNT on the grownd" and confronts his friend about it.  The friend admits to causing the explosion.

I'm not sure why these tickle my funny bone so much but for what it is worth, I thought I'd share!

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