Mason and Hannah are currently acting in "Alice in Wonderland Jr." Mason is Cheshire Cat 3 and Hannah is a lobster, a card and a part of a caterpillar! This show was performed at the south Broadway Cultural Center on a bigger stage than The Box stage! It is truly a fantastic show with such a talented cast!
There is nothing quite like an older boy cousin ready to have a shoot out with a ping pong ball shooter! Too bad it required a tiny bit more strength than Dylan had to fire off a good round!
Wow! I don't think I would like to be here in the summer when it is 120 degrees! This is the strangest landscape I have ever seen. The large rock-like formations on the ground have salt on them. As we approached the area, it looked like a huge crop field that had not been watered in years.
Death Valley was one stop on our way to California to visit Andy's family. He always wants to go in the summer but I can't even imagine being in that kind of heat! It was nice in the spring but I was still sweating!