Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Play Rehearsal!

This sort of reminds me of when Mason was in Kindergarten. Some time during the middle of Kindergarten year, I started getting calls from parents to let me know that they would love for their child to participate in our after school book club (at my house). Since I had never heard of such a thing, I started looking into it and it turns out that Mason had made invitations at school and passed them out to friends. The invitations were for a book club at her house. Of course, I had to go along with it and we had a nice little bookish afternoon.

This time, she has written a long and actually quite entertaining play, so entertaining that lots of friends want to participate. I had no idea how to go about putting on a play with so many characters right here at our house. So, Mason put the whole thing together, organized a read through after school and showed up with nine girls, who, surprisingly enough, were able to curtail the giggling and actually read through the play (for the most part). I guess we'll see where it goes from here. One of the amazing parts of watching your kid grow up is seeing them put things like this together. I am very proud of her!

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