Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mozart: Theme

A while ago, I mentioned that Hannah had convinced her piano teacher to let her work on Mozart's "Ah, Vous Dirai-Je, Maman", commonly known as the "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" tune. She has been working on it for many months now and has learned all twelve variations. Now she is working on perfecting the speed (fast!) and perfecting the trills. I recorded the whole song but thought that 23 minutes of piano playing might be too much for one blog post so now we are recording them as variations. I am so proud of how much hard work Hannah has put into this and my new advice for parents whose kids may not want to practice is to let them choose the song. Fortunately, we have an incredible piano teacher who let her choose this difficult piece and had faith in Hannah that she could accomplish it!

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