Monday, April 27, 2009

The Gas Guzzler and The Hybrid!

O.K., so we really badly needed a new trip car, one that could pull our camper and comfortably seat AND separate three kids while keeping the dog BEHIND us and not in our laps. The mini-van has served us well over the years but could not quite do all of these jobs. So--we bought a new Expedition (and I am not proud but very happy to say that we got the extra long...). The guilt, however, was starting to get to us so we turned around and bought a Camry Hybrid for all of our crazy running around to school and activities driving! Both are amazing, comfortable, and exactly what we needed! We are even able to fit all three kids in the back of the Camry! And the Expedition... sigh...exactly what I wanted... (So, anyone want to buy a Honda Odyssey???)

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