Sunday, April 19, 2009

Dog Show!

Today, Boudreaux participated in his first dog show! It was a "fun rally" for all breeds and we were encouraged to enter him even though he has had no training what-so-ever... We had a lot of fun for the most part, although when Mason tried to show him in the "junior showmanship" catagory, we learned that some people in the rings are a little bit too serious for rallies that are supposed to be fun and Mason left in tears. She and Hannah did each get to show some smaller dogs and they enjoyed that. (I think they were secretly wondering why we had to go and get this huge puppy, but one day when that guy is trained, they will appreciate him!) In the end, he came home with a 1st place and a 2nd place ribbon. (We won't mention how many dogs participated in each of those events so that you remain properly impressed with our beloved Boudreaux..)

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