Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Zion National Park

After Taos, we headed on to Moab and camped high up in the mountains. That is where the picture of our camper is from. It was our first night in the camper and a difficult one. For some reason, our battery was dead so we had no light. I had an awful stomach ache and went to bed right away while Andrew fixed dinner for everyone and got everything set up. In the morning, things were better and we headed to Zion. Chris and Vincent were with us on this whole trip until we got to California and we also met up with Briget and Izzy in Zion, where they were waiting with a delicious dinner when we arrived! (Thank you guys so much!!!) We then headed to a river right by our campground and swam. The water was just deep enough to hit Mason's chest and had some little rapids that she could float down. Even Dylan and Izzy ended up skinny dipping. (I have to admit that after Dylan was asleep, I was so tired of being hot that Mason and I snuck down to the river again and I took a dive in...) The next morning, we hiked to Weeping Rock, one of the many beautiful hikes in Zion. Then we headed out. I have learned that it can be a challenge to camp with a non-walking baby. Our first campsite had lots of cow patties and the second had goat head stickers. If I had it to do over again, I would definitely bring the Pack-n-play portable crib to put him in when he was outside...

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