We did it, y’all! We raised this boy all the way up to adulthood! I’m not sure why, but I feel like a big “whew” is necessary. He’s the one that used to skateboard 12 miles across town at 13 years old and get chased by older kids who were looking for trouble, the one who always seemed to be one step ahead of his age, always ready for the next adventure. It’s been a complete pleasure parenting this easy-going, fun kid who has always held space for his family and allowed himself to be close with us, something not all teenagers do. I have to let him fly the nest and head to college in the fall and while he knows the ONLY good thing about that is that I will be able to hog the parking space in the garage, he probably also knows how happy I am for him to start his next big adventure. Happy 18th Birthday to the boy who will always be my baby!

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