Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Corona Times

These are strange and sad days, but we are making the best of them. We are staying home, other than my occasional trips to the grocery and to visit/ help Granny around her house. I am walking outside early every morning and sometimes again in the afternoon, and Andy and I are still going on our mountain bike ride every day. I do miss swimming every day very much and look forward to doing that again soon. Andy’s outings are rare, but will soon include trips to the cancer center for chemo and radiation. Although the center is located at the hospital, it is a separate area and he assured me that the hospital is extremely vigilant about checking every worker who enters the building. He had a procedure this morning to put a port in his neck/chest area for the chemo and I wasn't even allowed to accompany him. The kids are hanging in there. Mason has begun her final quarter of undergrad classes online (the second picture). She has been so careful about social distancing even in our own home (I haven’t even hugged her sweet self yet), but it will be two weeks on Sunday and she seems just fine. Dylan misses “the boys”, but has found many ways to communicate and “hang with the homies” from the occasional skateboard meet-up (skating with a friend or two keeping 6 feet apart and no skate parks) to online gaming, a pastime he had completely given up for at least a year. He is staying up way too late (4:00am 😳) and I’m trying to let it go for the moment because all of the boys are up playing with him and connecting, which is important now. Online school should start sometime next week and his teachers have already begun reaching out. I promise, we will have a decent bedtime at that point. As for Hannah, I’m completely deflated and crushed for her. This is her senior year and she is missing all of the “lasts” that come with finishing strong. I’m so proud of her accomplishments and wanted so badly to celebrate them with her and her school community. She is currently trying to decide which college to attend now that all of the acceptances are in and I’m crushed that all of our plans to tour her favorites are cancelled and she will have to choose without getting a feel for the campus, something that was pivotal in Mason’s college decision. 

But, alas, there are good things coming out of this time of isolation. Being with family and slowing down, spending time outdoors (our hike below—notice our distance from each other), staying healthy, and not wearing jeans. Take care of yourselves, everyone! 

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