Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Bit Of Music!

Tomorrow is a huge day!  Dylan will be auditioning for his third consecutive year on the National Piano Guild register.  It is always so amazing to watch this come together and to see the work that he puts into it.  He has to play ten songs by memory for one judge.  Each year, the selections have to be a bit more difficult or longer than the year before.  Each year, I have my moments of thinking there is NO WAY this is going to happen.  Then, suddenly, he is sitting at the piano playing all ten songs with ease and I'm wondering when this happened and why I did not notice.  It floors me that he can move from one song to the next seamlessly.  This program is one of our favorites.  It presents a goal that keeps Dylan focused on piano practice, which naturally makes him a better player.  It is not a competition with other people, just a way to show your own skill.  Below are the ten songs he is playing this year in their various forms of "perfection".

The kitty wanted to introduce this first video...

This is the super zippy version of Waltz in A Minor.  This song has been difficult lately and I hope that it leaves on a good note when he plays it tomorow... Also, you'll notice that the boy is a bit itchy...


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