Sunday, December 27, 2015

Happy 17th Birthday, Mason!

This sweet baby girl is 17 today and she was in for the surprise of her lifetime (so far anyway)!  Since we are moving and she will not be able to walk to school anymore, we thought it was the perfect time for her first car, a Subaru station wagon.  She had no idea that we were even thinking about getting her a car so it was a true surprise!  I let Hannah in on the secret a couple of days ago so I had a partner in crime to help me decorate the car and go fetch it from a friend's house who had been hiding it in her garage.  The weather was bitter cold and the roads were icy today but Mason ended up being able to take it for a short spin.

She was baffled when she first opened the cigarette lighter from the car. I had to wrap something...

Then she opened the key on the way out to the car and things started to make sense.

Opening a couple of necessary car items, a charger, a cassette adapter, and an ice scraper.

Finally, dinner at Azuma.

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