Friday, May 23, 2014

"So Much To Celebrate" Sleepover!

Yesterday marked the last day of school and my kids now include a sophomore, a 7th grader and a third grader!  Although the high schoolers deemed it uncool to go to school on the last half day, they thought it would be super cool to have a sleepover.  We also really wanted to celebrate Anna's birthday a bit early because she is moving away on Saturday.  I can barely write about it without getting teary because their family is such a big part of our lives.  They will be so dearly missed.
The girls had such a great time and although I say this every time, I will say it again:  I could not have hand picked a better group of friends for Mason.  They are all kind, smart, motivated, and fun.  They laughed all night and I mean ALL NIGHT.  When I got up to run in the morning, the party was still going on.  It was a real all-nighter!

I'm glad Dylan and John got to spend some more time together during the party, too.  Dylan will really miss playing with John.  He is one of his closest friends.

The hot tub was nice and somehow, 7 people fit well in it!  Good thing we got a big one!

They stayed in until the thunder and lightning came.  Then, 8 scared girls came piling into the house!  Naturally, the lightning storm lasted approximately 1.5 minutes.

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