Wednesday, March 06, 2013

English Expo

Here is another thing that happened in the last couple of weeks.  Mason entered the English Expo event at the high school and won a second place medal.  She entered in Traditional Storytelling and told the story of Tikki Tikki Tembo (remember him?  Tikki Tikki Tembo No Sa Rembo Chari Bari Ruchi Pip Peri Pembo-- the boy whose name was so long that it hindered the process of him being saved from the bottom of the well?)  Each child told their story and then 12 finalists were chosen to tell it to another set of judges.  Mason went on to win second place in the finals!  This is the second year that she has won a medal in this category.  It is so interesting to me because she started out such a shy girl!  I am so proud of her confidence and story telling ability!

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