Saturday, November 24, 2012

Impromptu Taos Ski Trip!

We drove up to the ski valley just to see what was going on up there.  It is amazing how little snow there is!  I have never seen Taos this dry at this time of year.  There was only man-made snow on a few of the runs and it was so warm!  The bunny hill had some nice snow and was not crowded at all so Robert decided to try skiing.  This was totally spur-of-the-moment as we did not have snow pants or any other equipment.  After a short time, I felt the longing to be on a pair of skis so I rented some to go out and help Robert, but by the time I got there, he was doing pretty well on his own!  Julia decided to give it a quick try so I took her down the hill, which was quite a funny sight because she was limp in my arms as I skied her down between my skis.  And speaking of my skis, what a joke!  They gave me dinky little short skis and poles that I could barely ski on!  My skis at home come up a good bit higher than my head.  These barely hit my chest!  Still, it was awesome to be doing what I did every day for the years I was in high school in Taos!  Oh, and in case you are wondering, my own kids were not ready to try it until the very end when Hannah wanted to get out there on the snow.  By then, it was too late to pay for another set of skis so she will try next time!

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