Ten years ago today, this little light came into our lives. A week after her due date and showing no signs of wanting to come out, she was induced. Fearing another large baby and difficult birth, the doctor was in another room prepping for a C-section when Hannah came into the world. At 9 lbs, 3 oz, she was an easy delivery and a peaceful soul. She spent her first night sleeping soundly in her bassinet next to the hospital bed, letting her older sister, who was sick at the time, sleep in the bed with Mom! It was an immediate crash course in parenting two small children, each with an entirely different set of needs!

Today, that little baby is a beautiful young girl, still just as sweet and considerate as the day she was born. It blows my mind how fast it all goes! There is so much little girl left in Hannah, though! She is kind, empathetic, smart (especially in math), caring, and so very family oriented. She still lights up our lives and makes every day a joy! I love you so very much, Sweet Hannah!
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