Friday, June 11, 2010

Wiped Out!

This poor little guy dislocated his right elbow last night and had to go to urgent care to have it popped back into place. This is the second time this has happened to him. The first time was two years ago when he and Daddy were playing swinging games together. This time, Hannah was comforting him because some books had fallen on his feet and she pulled him onto her lap and somehow, it popped out. Needless to say, he was in a good bit of pain. It took us three different urgent care places to find one that was open. Today, he was a tired guy...

A funny thing about Dylan is his ability to "check out". He has an uncanny knack for falling asleep when he sees a situation that he would rather not participate in. If we are somewhere boring, if he is scared of something, if he feels some sort of pain, he just nods off. Sometimes I can even say, "maybe you should close your eyes for a minute" and he konks out immediately. Well, within five minutes of getting injured last night, he was out...

Oh, and by the way, when we got home from urgent care, he announced with great enthusiasm, "I guess when you are lucky, you're just lucky!" Why was he so lucky? Because at urgent care, he got four stickers and apple juice in a funny cup with a straw.

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