Saturday, November 07, 2009

Ghosts, Letters and Words!

Our tot has a new obsession! You all know it began with racecars, making lines and patterns with his cars day in and day out. Then, dinos were the rage (still kind of are). Lines and set ups of dinos were all over the house. Now, the guy spends all of his time writing letters and drawing "ghosts". Here are some of his samples. The floaty things are "a ghost family", the green letters are his "Chirstmas list", then there is a page with his name over and over front and back, and finally, he wrote some words with a little help from Hannah. His name he can spell himself and he always accidentally writes the word "mad" (hopefully, he is not trying to tell us something, but I think those are just letter combinations that he happens to put together). Hannah helped him spell the other words (dino, Mommy, hi and sad).

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