Sunday, November 16, 2008

Snakes and Snails, Sugar and Spice???

Okay, so here's what you learn when you have both genders of children living under your roof: that they really are different and that they really do gravitate towards gender- specific toys. Let's face it. When Dylan arrived, we had lots of pink, doll houses, baby dolls, dress-up gowns, polly pockets, etc.-- all chosen by the girls over the years. They did have a rug with a road pattern on it and a few little cars. What do you think Dylan is attracted to? The cars and roads. Sure, every now and then he will run around in an Indian dress or make little doll house people talk to each other in loving tones, but usually, he can be found making "traffic jams" with his cars. Sometimes, the line-up is 130 cars long. He could do this for hours. On the other hand, while the girls will help him make his traffic jams, they can usually be found playing with an elaborate set-up of Polly Pockets who attend school, perform in plays, go to the movies, etc. Go figure. How fun it all is to observe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how every single polly has a chair.