Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sisters in Seattle!

Since Andy and I were busy moving Dylan into his dorm, Mason went to Seattle to help Hannah move out of her house since the lease was up. They had a lovely picnic on Mt Rainier!


Barrett, ASU

We spent this past weekend moving Dylan into his dorm at ASU. To say the emotions were like a roller coaster is an understatement! Dropping your babies off at college is not for sissies! He is in a quad with three other guys that he hit it off with right away and he has met so many people already. He has been so busy since we arrived that we headed home a day earlier than planned. It’s as it should be. Still, I might have felt my heart fracture when I said goodbye. How us mamas and dads survive this massive shift in our universe is beyond me.

Also, wall decorations are coming later!


Saturday, August 17, 2024

This Is Getting Too Real…

We got the car packed and drove to Arizona. We’re about to drop this boy off to start a new adventure. Be still, my heart!


Thursday, August 15, 2024

T Minus One Day Until We Leave For College…

Tomorrow, we head to Arizona to drop Dylan off at college. We had breakfast at Hello Deli and took a few pictures today. Judging from the last picture, maybe he is wondering why he is getting lots of random hugs from his mama…