Monday, April 18, 2022

Easter Weekend in Taos!

We had a great and long overdue weekend in Taos with the whole family (minus Robert and Julia) and Jay and Ava. We had amazing meals, played Murder in the Dark and a crazy wild board game, had a visit from family we had not seen for many years, and mostly enjoyed just being in Taos at this beautiful place Granny created for us. The Easter Bunny was able to find us and the egg hunt got quite competitive!


Sunday, April 03, 2022

Last Run of the Season!

Here we are at the top of Gayway for the last run of the season on Saturday. It was a gorgeous, warm day and the snow went from perfect to slush by the end of the day. We got 14 runs in, many of them with a friend of Andy’s, Justin, who has proved to be super fun to ski with. Dylan was with us for a few runs but took off with his friend, Davis, to snowboard through the trees and practice jumps and tricks. I had fun trying out my new Slopes app, trying to beat my 33.3 mph high speed from the first run, but the wind was against me. It was a perfect end to a great season! Can’t wait for next year!