Saturday, December 28, 2019

Party Time!

Mason’s besties came over for a sleepover to celebrate her 21st birthday. It was great to have the original squad together again!

Friday, December 27, 2019

Twenty-One Years Old!

Christmas Day!

We had a lovely Christmas at home, then brought Christmas dinner and pie over to rehab to celebrate with Granny.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve was wonderful, as always, but we sure missed Granny being there. She is in rehab recovering from a second total hip replacement (third, actually, since this one was a result of her 20 year old hip hardware failing). We will have to do a repeat dinner when she is home again. Wonderful food, family, friends, and games—it doesn’t get better!

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Skiing and Snowboarding!

Mason's first run! She didn't even fall at the top of the lift!

That is Dylan with his snowboard instructor in the background!

Dylan learning how to do the lift from his snowboard instructor. The back of his shirt is a sheet of ice from spending a fair amount of time on his booty.

Trying his snowboard before his actual lesson!

Mason did great on the bunny hill so we took her up to the top of the mountain. She panicked and there was no getting the anxiety out of her head so she had to ride down in a sled. She still says it was one of her best days.

Gingerbread Houses—A Cousin Tradition!

The older they get, the more I appreciate these traditions and memories. These beautiful people are on the precipice of new beginnings and these traditions are fleeting and I’m so happy that they still want to get together and decorate houses. Granted they are a mess, eat more candy than they put in the houses, they’re noisy and exuberant, but I love every minute of it.

Friday, December 20, 2019

DRMS Orchestra Holiday Concert, Dylan on Bass!


This boy of mine seems to live in the ditches these days, constantly off on his skate board. Apparently the ditches around here make for good skating. On this particular day, he skated thirteen miles from one side of town to the other. His friend took this really cool picture.

Friday, December 06, 2019

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Christmas Tree Kitty!

This has been her favorite spot every December since she was a kitten. I love how startled she looks that I discovered her.

Kitty Love! ❤️

Girl Cousin Fun!

I have to steal pictures from their own photo shoots lately, although I did take the ones with all three of them.