Friday, August 30, 2013

New Soccer Season!

Dylan is playing club soccer this year with Rio.  Tonight was his second practice.  The first one did not go so well.  It rained hard for most of the practice and the kids play in random team groups.  There were so many U8 players and Dylan had been used to just practicing with his teammates.  He agreed to try it again tonight and had a much better experience.  Sometimes it just takes knowing what to expect.

After the game, he played with his best buddy on the playground.  He had a big fall off of the swing.  He is lucky to have such a empathetic friend.  The other Dylan naturally knows how to make a friend feel better.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Opposites and Dinner Out!

My girls couldn't be more opposite in their clothing choices at this point in their lives. I noticed it on the way out to dinner and had to take some pictures.  Mason likes to dress in dresses and skirts and fancy tops.  Hannah likes jeans and tee-shirts.  She especially likes striped tee shirts, a style that I will have to get used to...

Friday, August 23, 2013

Evening Ride!

We bike every evening after dinner.  He now has the hang of starting himself, even on the uphill slope!  This weekend, after I find a helmet that actually fits him, we will go hit an empty parking lot and let him ride to his heart's content.

Monday, August 19, 2013

He Can Ride!

I know this may seem a little late to be learning to ride a bike but his sisters did not learn until 3rd grade so this is actually early for us!  He is a cautious guy and had been scared to try for so long, but on Saturday, he was making leaps and bounds in so many areas that I thought it might be a good time to try.  Within a few minutes, the boy could ride.  Now that is all he wants to do!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

First day Of School

These three headed off to high school today.  Mason was more excited than she has ever been for school to start.  I am so happy that she can walk to school now!  The end of the day report from her was great overall.  The end of the day report from her mom is that I am so overwhelmed with all of the new class information!  Her orchestra teacher wants all of the students to have a private teacher at home.  Hmm, I wonder how we add that to piano lessons, daily practice for two instruments, regular homework and two classes (Honors English and Gifted Great Books) with lots of required reading?  Can we go back to middle school?

This handsome gentleman started second grade today and lucked out and got one of our top choices for a teacher.  He has a little adjusting to do without his big sister at school with him anymore or his best friend (he was moved to another school because of boundary changes).  He did rate his day a 9 out of 10, though.  Mom's report is that he did great!  I can't say that we were ready for the big homework project we did tonight, though.  I guess that is not saying much when you consider that I am not ready to be packing lunches again either.  Is it too soon for Lunchables?

This sweet baby girl went to 6th grade today!  She has a pretty good schedule.  Her main concern is that she is the only 6th grader in Advanced Orchestra and the older kids were whispering to each other about "how cute she is".  I told her to just enjoy being the little cute kid and she will make friends in no time.  Mom's report is only this:  Holy Cow, how can there possibly be so many people driving to this school in the morning that we have to ditch the car on the side of the road and run down the street to make it on time????

Hannah tried to shrink so she could get in Dylan's class line.

Some second grade classroom buddies!

I snuck a quick shot of the back of his head at his new table.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Swim Time!

The girls did an awesome swim routine together!