Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Our guy is usually good at sharing his toys, but not when it comes to his precious cars. Only the other Dylan has been allowed to share those so far (not even sisters). I tried to put them away for the party, but combine a guy who has not napped with no cars and you have a recipe for a meltdown. We had to take the cars out at the party. Here is Zoe and him trying to work something out in 3 year old fashion...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
A Birthday Pop!

Unfortunately, our youngest has developed a taste for a good root beer. For you guys with no older siblings in your families to influence the youngest, don't balk! The need to try everything they like is overwhelming! Mason loves root beer but Hannah won't touch anything fizzy! Dylan has obviously studied his oldest sister on this one... (Thanks for the pics, Deb!)
Dylan's Birthday Party!
Yesterday, we celebrated Dylan turning three with a big barbeque here at the house. It was so much fun to spend time with our friends! Dylan, despite not having napped all day, had a great time jumping in a racecar jumper and playing with his buddies. He was quite tired at the end of the night, though, and fell asleep next to his cars on the floor... Quote of the day: while opening presents, Dylan exclaimed, "This is so fun, I'm gonna die!" Where on Earth did he get that???
Friday, June 19, 2009
It's All About Cars...
Dylan has begun arranging his cars in such amazing configurations lately. Here is one of many of them. He carefully spaces the cars "just so" and rearranges as necessary. Then, he admires his work for a while, takes it apart and arranges a crash scene, then organizes a completely new and interesting arrangement. His buddy Dylan was so interested in his new cars that he didn't even want to get dressed after swimming lessons before he looked at the cars...
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Friendly Burros!
At Custer State Park in South Dakota (where we camped), there were loose burros that loved carrots. When we drove by, they all came over to the car in the hopes of a treat. When we went to find them with treats in hand later, the girls had so much fun interacting with them. Poor Dyan was asleep in the car...
Monday, June 15, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Birthday Boy!
Here are a couple of shots from the birthday, opening presents and blowing out his candles (always done with an "fffffff"). Dylan had a lot of wrapped presents this year because most of them were small cars that I wrapped individually. We were trying to space it out over the day but apparently that does not go over well with three year olds. We left the room only to find later that he had opened about 6 of his gifts when we weren't there. He looked very sheepish when discovered and asked if we would "go away" for a little while. I'm thinking he had plans for the rest of the gifts... The quote of the day: "Hey Mommy, when it wasn't my birthday, I took a little sneak of my presents."
Happy Birthday to our Sweet Baby Dylan!
Happy third birthday to a snuggly little guy who loves racecars, who would listen to "the happy song" (if you're happy and you know it) 100 times in a row and never tire of it, who can count quite high but always ends his counting with an exaggerated "wah-ha-ha-ha" in imitation of Sesame Street's Count character, who likes to line his racecars up into a formation that he calls "a turkey who goes 'beef, beef'", who loves to "audition" for plays by introducing himself and then singing Count's "Batty Bat" song at top volume, who screams like he is dying at the sight of blood, who makes up funny names for his sisters (Hannah is "Click-ad", Mason is "Saddie" and he is "Brocker"), whose morning doesn't start until he greets Sisters with huge hugs and grins, who generally has a smile on his face and a song in his heart! We love you to the moon and back a million times, Little Boy!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
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