Thursday, August 30, 2007

Playing With the Hose!

Backyard Wildlife

This hawk has been hanging around in our back yard. It is very beautiful but we are wondering what it is snooping around for. Is it interested in our bunnies, who hop freely in the back yard? Or does it want to sample one of the baby turtles or frogs in our pond??? What about the fish in the pond??? As long as its intentions are not about sampling from our small animal meal menu, we are thrilled with its visits!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

It Isn't Summer Without a Day at Cliff's...

Ahhh, the rumble of the roller coaster, little cars that go round and round, screams and laughter... we just couldn't miss Cliff's this summer! We really lucked out and got a mostly overcast day. That was good for Mom, who rode one too many spinny rides with Mason and was sick the rest of the afternoon...Dad took Dylan home for a nap and I just sat in the shade and watched the girls and their cousins run from ride to ride. Dylan was totally entertained with Dad dripping water on his head...

Friday, August 24, 2007

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Hannah Starts Kindergarten!

Hannah had her first day of kindergarten today! Unlike on Mason's first day of kindergarten, the parents were invited into the classroom while her teacher read "The Kissing Hand" (which, of course, we had read the night before...) and then we were allowed to do a special kiss goodbye before we left. It felt so much better than saying goodbye in line on the first day and I think it helped Hannah transition from Mom to a new situation. There were no tears, although she confesses that a few snuck out during rest time. Other than that, she seems to have had fun. I am still holding my breath for a bit longer, though, because Mason's first couple of months of kindergarten were so traumatic that I am forever scarred...
In the pictures, Hannah is holding her backpack, lunchbox, and nap sack which is filled with things for quiet time. Also, be sure to notice how happy Mason is that her little sister is finally going to school with her! That is her true happy smile!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

And Third Grade Begins...

Here is our tiny baby Mason ready for her first day of third grade! How fast the time flies! Third grade sounds so huge. She had a great day and from what I understand, we hit the jackpot on the teacher this year! Hannah also met her kindergarten teacher today and will start classes on Thursday. I will be holding my breath until I see that she is happy. I always have a hard time sending them off to kindergarten...

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Slumber Party!

Robert and Julia spent Tuesday night over. Lots of fun!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Monday, August 06, 2007

Gotta Get Away!!!

Sometimes when Hannah is at loose ends, she finds it entertaining to try getting reactions out of her baby brother. Interestingly enough, he seems to sense when she is in one of these moods and comes running and complaining to Mom.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Dylan's First Kiss...

Little Izzy tried so hard to give Dylan kisses and hugs but he is a guy who is not ready for romance yet...

Saturday, August 04, 2007

In the Taos Ski Valley

We spent Friday morning in the Taos Ski Valley with Kersti, Briget, Izzy and some other friends. The girls especially liked eating wild strawberries on the bunny slope.

A Boy and His Granny...