Friday, February 23, 2007

Science Fair!

Mason participated in her first science fair today! She did an experiment on water evaporation.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Guy!

Dylan was 8 months old on Valentine's Day! He can do so many fun things now! He can wave "hi" and "bye-bye", he loves to clap, he is an extraordinary peek-a-boo player, and he can push a mop like a pro! He even says "Ma-Ma"! What a fun little friend!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Granny and One of Her Valentines!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Here they are wearing their Valentines Day clothes all ready for school parties! The truth is that we had another huge snowfall and school was cancelled... Poor Mason--it was the first day since we started the new school time (6:30 wake-up!) that she had gotten up and dressed without lots of prompting!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hannah's "Special Day" at Preschool!

Hannah was a princess at school today! She got to be helper all morning and bring a special board decorated with pictures of her life! She even got to bring home a book to keep! What fun!

Monday, February 05, 2007

Dylan's New Smile!

This is Dylan's way of smiling when he is in a real silly mood. The eyes disappear, the nose wrinkles up and those baby gums show through a beaming smile!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Taking a Ride...

There are things you just have to put up with when you are the baby in a family with two big sisters...
Dylan figured that the best thing to do would be to just sit back, enjoy the ride, and give some lovin' to the baby in front of him!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Interacting with the World's Kindest Kitty!

Dylan spent a long time with the kitty. He would grab some fur or pet his paw and the kitty would only meow and gently touch Dylan's hand with his paw...